Access to Music and Opera
Social Inclusion Through Arts
KA227 - Partnerships for creativity
A creativity partnership engages adult education organizations together with organizations from the cultural sector. The external context of the project is related to the COVID-19 situation, which caused the crisis in the cultural sector. When planning a project partners' knowledge and experience were used. The partners prepared a preliminary review / analysis of opera / arts education. We note the need for a change in scope perception of opera as an elite and exclusive habit. Opera is an intangible human heritage. Opera is an international language and its stories reflect an understanding of human nature and contribute to the values ​​of freedom and tolerance (World Opera Day 2020, Operavision).
The project undertakes a dialogue between activities that opera education deals with as a way to develop a creative and innovative educational tradition using this art form.
The main goal of the project is to improve activities in the development of parents' cultural competences and on this basis to propose good practices conducive to implementation activities. This is consistent with Europe, Creative Clush. Artistic Intervensions - Increasing access to culture.
Partners Involved in the Project:
Fundacja Family Center
Enso Group
Fondazione Don Orione Onlus
Associació Cultural Escuela Polaca