Strategic Partnerships for adult education
The goal of the project is to create a course promoting robotics among adults and seniors so that they are more aware of the technological progress implemented in front of their eyes, and they can become conscious users and fans.
What inspired us?
Our aspiration follows the EU Council Recommendation to support and reinforce the development of key competences from an early age and throughout life, for all individuals.
Adult Education: Promoting Erasmus+ among all citizens and generations by offering activities of education and exchanges of experiences to seniors
Motivation to choose this priority:
Aging affects the entire Europe
Starting from the second half of the 20th century, it progressed unexpectedly quickly
Progress of civilization
Macroeconomic or microeconomic effects
Effects on individuals (a sense of social exclusion, experiencing discriminatory behaviors, a sense of loneliness and helplessness)
It is also a part of the national lifelong learning strategies as well as increasing and improving the level of digital competences at all stages of education and training, across all segments of the population.
Social inclusion
Supporting individuals in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences
Through inclusive non-formal education, we aim to ensure better social inclusion of seniors in society and prevent from their isolation. Evidence suggests that maintaining physical and mental activity and active social life delays illness or reduces its unpleasant effects. Many of these people regretfully retired and would like to continue sharing their skills. With our project, we want to contribute to the increase of social and educational activity of seniors, because they are people who still have a lot to offer society.
The project goal will be to create together in an international partnership a course in robotics and modern technologies using blended learning methods. The course will be for seniors over 60 years old. Participation in the course will provide participants with the development of key competencies such as:
- numerical, scientific, and engineering skills
- digital and technology-based competencies.
In addition, course participants will have the opportunity to raise key competencies and skills such as problem-solving, creativity and innovation, or teamwork.
Organisations involved in the project:
PROMIMPRESA SRL (www.promimpresa.it)
SCUOLA DI ROBOTICA (www.scuoladirobotica.it) from Italy
NPO Robootika from Estonia (www.robootika.ee)
ICEP s.r.o. from Slovakia (www.iceponline.com)
Powiat Ostrowski (www.powiat-ostrowski.pl) from Poland
Academia de Robotica from Portugal (https://www.academiarobotica.pt)
Enso Group Ltd UK (https://ensoeu.com)